"Because I want to learn about climate change and I am excited to do art"⁠

We are excited to announce that we are working on a new children and young people’s project with artist Stine Marie Jacobsen and children at St Anne’s Catholic Primary school in Liverpool.

A group of children aged 7-11 have informed the project – which aims to promote the wellbeing of young people in relation to the climate crisis – through a series of workshops over the past few weeks. The sessions have encouraged children to imagine ways of tackling the climate change, with their ideas expressed through a series of drawings.

In the early workshops we asked the children if and why they would like to work with Stine – here are some of their responses:

“Yes because I really want to help climate change.”⁠

“Because art is the best way”⁠

“Yes because I want to fix global warming and climate change”⁠

“I love art and it is so so so so so so fun”⁠

“Because I want to be an artist too!”⁠

“I would like to do the workshop because I have an amazing imagination”⁠

“Because I want the 80% of polar bears that are dying not to die. I want 100% of polar bears to live not 20%”⁠

“Because I want to learn about climate change and I am excited to do art”⁠

The outcome of the project will be officially unveiled in Summer 2024 – watch this space for updates!