Albert Ibokwe Khoza is an internationally acclaimed performance artist who continuously reveals and projects a state of mind of a loner individual who is a non-binary womanly man and a Sangoma (traditional healer).

Through their sexuality and traditional practice, they express their thoughts by moving between different artistic mediums to outline social ills and what their divergent nature sees and interprets about the world they live in, critically questioning their surroundings, their leaders and life itself.

Previous shows include: ‘Black Circus’ Creative Director and performer, producers African Entertainers (2022 -2023); ‘Red Femicycle’Creative Director and performer (2019 – 2022); ‘And So You See’Solo Chor Ibokwe Albert Khoza and Chor Robyn Orlin (2016 -2022); ‘Pygmalion Opera’Lead Director Robyn Orlin (2018 -2019); ‘Take In Take Out’Solo Dir Albert Ibokwe Khoza (2017 -2018)